The Altrusa Club delivered school supplies to the Homeless Coalition of St Johns County. These supplies were generously donated by Investing in Kids – INK and others. In addition to these supplies, Altrusan, Kristie Smith gathered supplies from her BNI Dollar Producers Group. With these supplies, all of the children who are at the Coalition will have a new backpack with all the school supplies they will need to have a great start to the school year. There were also enough supplies to have backpacks with supplies at the ready for new children who move into the Coalition.

Pictured are Altrusans Chris Plant and Marci Segui with Freedom Johnston from the Homeless Coalition of St Johns County. The supplies shown in the picture are mostly from INK!

Pictured are Altrusans Chris Plant and Kristie Smith with Debi Redding from the Homeless Coalition of St Johns County.

Altrusa would like to extend a special Thank You to all who helped with this project. To learn more about us or to donate to support our projects, please visit our website –