Altrusa St Augustine has always been a proponent of literacy; and, to that end, Altrusa has two scholarship programs that are available to students from St. Johns County who are attending either First Coast Technical College or St. Johns River State College.
The Betty Johnstone Scholarship has been offered since 2010. This scholarship is named in memory of a longtime, St. Augustine Altrusan, Betty Johnstone who was a champion of literacy for all. Betty passed away in 1999.

Altrusa St Augustine has participated in the Joey Robison Scholarship Program since 2014. The Joey Robison Scholarship is offered by the District 3 Altrusa Foundation. It is named in memory of Joey Robison, the son of longtime Altrusan, Linda Robison. Mrs. Robison is an avid supporter of higher education and believes Altrusa must give a hands up to individuals with not only educational needs but also a desire to change and improve the conditions of their lives.
The Betty Johnston Scholarship is for students in transition – those seeking to upgrade their education and improve their economic status. The student must: be United States citizen; have resided in St. Johns County for at least one year and have received a high school diploma or GED. The student must also provide two letters of reference. The applications for this scholarship are posted in late summer and the scholarship recipients are notified in November. The scholarships are typically $500.00 and can be used for tuition and/or career expenses.
The Joey Robison Scholarship is intended for non-traditional students – those who have been out of high school for six or more years and are seeking to upgrade their work skills in a tech school or college to seek an undergraduate degree. The applicant must be a resident of St. Johns County and have a serious financial need. Applications for the scholarship are posted in the fall and must be submitted by early January. This scholarship is awarded at the Altrusan District 3 Conference, usually held at the end of April. The $500.00 scholarship is used for tuition.
The funding for the Betty Johnstone Scholarships comes from our fundraisers. Since 2010, Altrusa St Augustine has been responsible for awarding $21,500.00 in scholarships to students at First Coast Technical College and St Johns River State College.
In 2021, Altrusa St Augustine developed another scholarship program, The Possibilities Scholarship. The scholarship is to provide financial assistance to St. Johns residents that show an interest in completing their HS diploma, GED, technical trade certificates, or post-secondary educational programs. The emphasis is on adults of families with small children needing financial assistance to rise above poverty and move closer to economic stability. Adults will utilize the scholarship funds to assist with tuition, uniforms, books, supplies, tools, test/license fees, or transportation.