For years, Altrusa St. Augustine has provided much needed panties and socks to the St. Johns County Head Start Program. This year, much to our delight , we have expanded the program. We have discovered several sources of free children’s books; and, have already received almost 400 books from Hindi and Lisa Libraries.

And through a donation from a friend of Altrusa, we have been able to pay for necessary shipping for the books. As our donor said regarding the use of his donation, “…Anything that puts books in the hands of kids.”
Back to Head Start – every Monday that school is in session, the Head Start program has a Funday Monday for the families involved in the program. At these Mondays, Altrusans will be joining the families to distribute the books to the children and to read with the children. We have already had our first Monday with the families; and, the delight of the children, their siblings, and caregivers to be able to look through the books and take them home made our evening.

And last year – Altrusans delivering over 400 pairs of socks and underwear for boys and girls to the Head Start Program, St Johns County School District. Altrusan Vicki Sellner was able to obtain a $250.00 grant from her insurance company for this project.
Pictured are Christine Croyle, Head Start and Altrusans Art Holden, Vicki Sellner, and Eileen Holden.
In September 2019, Altrusa International of St. Augustine delivered 150 pairs of boys and girls underwear and socks to the Head Start Program, St. Johns County School District. In addition to the underwear and socks, 20 copies of the book “That Cat Book” written by Doris Dunker and illustrated by her daughter, Wendy Tatter who is a local, St. Augustine artist were donated to the program. The books will be distributed to Head Start teachers.

Pictured from the left are Christine Croyle, Facilitator of the Head Start Program, Art Holden, Chair of Altrusa’s Literacy Committee, and Mary Ann Holanchock, Coordinator of Federal Programs and Early Childhood Services.